Accessibility Services

Testing Accommodations


Book an Exam Room

Testing rooms for accessibility accommodations are specially designed spaces that ensure students with disabilities can take exams under conditions that meet their specific needs. Accessibility Services provides on online reservations for students. For assistance, please contact us at [email protected].

Book a room

How to book an exam room

Login to Accommodate 
Use your Coppin Credentials to login
On the left side, select “Testing Room” 
On the bottom left select “New Booking Request” 
Select “ Course” then “Check Availability 
Select the “Date Range”Only select a date. DO NOT select any other modifiers (times, days etc). You will receive a message that indicates that there is no availability
Complete the questionnaire, then select “Submit Request” 

Policy and Procedure

The Testing Center Policy and Procedure outlines what the CCA Testing Center can and cannot accommodate, along with the expectations we have for both students and professors to help facilitate a smooth testing experience.