Summer Academic Success Academy (SASA)

SASA Objectives

Get a jump-start on your success!

  • Discover self and career aspirations;
  • Build on essential skills for course completions;
  • Begin the journey to mastering the university's learning outcomes;
  • Navigate the academic resources of the institution.

Welcome to SASA!

Congratulations on choosing Coppin State University as your institution of higher education. Believe it or not, you’ve already started investing in your future by choosing to attend the Summer Academic Success Academy (SASA) program. This is a five-week summer residential program designed to help newly admitted Coppin State University students make a smooth transition to college while earning college credits. SASA is open to all newly admitted first-year students on a first come, first served basis. This program is designed to assist with improving essential college readiness skills for college completion. Students receive an introduction to the academic, social, and recreational resources of the campus community. At the conclusion of the program students are connected to faculty, staff and peer mentors that serve as guides on their collegiate journey to success.

This year's Summer Academic Success Academy will be held July 14 – August 16, 2024.

The Summer Academic Success Academy will host two cohorts of students:

  1. Fast-Track: students ready to jumpstart their collegiate career by earning up to 9 credits prior to their first semester, and
  2. Bridge to Coppin: students invited to attend our Summer Academic Success Academy (SASA) as part of their admission to Coppin State “Class of 2028”. 

Why enroll in SASA? Consider the benefits

  • Early College Credits: You will earn 9 college credits that will go towards graduation.

  • Academic and Social Development: You will gain a deeper understanding of who you are, and how college can help you accomplish your dreams. You will begin to cultivate some life-long friendships before officially starting the fall semester.

  • Orientation to the Campus: You will have discovered all the nooks and crannies of the campus. In essence, this will be your campus before any other freshman arrives.

Enrolling in SASA

To register for SASA you must first fill out the online enrollment form, attend an information session prior to submitting your non-refundable SASA fee, complete the acknowledgment form, and pay the SASA enrollment fee of $300 to the bursar office by June 3, 2024. Enrollment is limited to the first 100 enrollees. This program has a value of over $4,000 for Maryland residents and $8,000 for out-of-state students.

The first 100 enrollees will be awarded the SASA summer grant which covers SASA tuition, housing, meals, and books. To qualify for the SASA grant you must complete all steps listed below by June 3, 2024. Accepted students will be notified by email.

  1. Confirm your intent to enroll in your admissions application portal.
  2. Attend a SASA information session.

    Sign up here

    Information sessions will be virtual.

    Sessions will help prospective participants gain an understanding of how the program operates and expectations so that an informed decision can be made regarding enrolling in the program.

  3. Pay the SASA enrollment fee of $300 to the Bursar office. Payment may be made:
    • Online.  Make Payment
    • By phone. Call (410) 951-3691
    • By mail

      Coppin State University
      Summer Academic Success Academy
      Attention: Cashier's Office
      2500 West North Avenue
      Baltimore, MD 21216-3698

    • In person
      Miles Connor Building, Second Floor, Suite 203
      2500 West North Avenue
      Baltimore, MD 21216-3698

  4. Send an email to [email protected] stating that the enrollment form and payment is complete.

Components of SASA

Academic Transformation

Fast-Track Students are enrolled in up to three academic courses to earn up to 9 credits toward graduation at Coppin State University. Professors will provide guidance that enhances college readiness skills.

Bridge to Coppin Students are enrolled in two academic courses at Coppin State University. Students will be given the opportunity to improve their proficiency in college readiness skills under the guidance of highly effective instructors.

Intrusive Advising

During the program, students meet with their academic advisors to gain an understanding of their major requirements. Academic advisors will review the student program sheet, which enables students to know where they are on the graduation pathway every step of the way.

Academic Resources

During the length of the program, students will be connected to various academic resource centers on campus which include the Math Lab, and the Reading and Writing Lab. Students will also have academic peer leaders who will serve as tutors and peer mentors.


Students will dive deep in discovering their interests, career goals, and motivation for success. Students and instructors will undergo a mutually beneficial journey that will connect life-long learning to accomplishing dreams and aspirations. We complement the academic curriculum with engaging student activities and special interest events such as social activities, a talent show, and excursions.

What to Bring

All students should bring at least 5 professional dress attire for Professional Dress Wednesdays and the Closing Banquet.

  • Hand sanitizer
  • Face masks
  • School supplies (notebooks, writing instruments, etc.)
  • Money for laundry ($1/per load)
  • Alarm clock
  • Cable cord - At least 12 feet in length (to connect Cable to TV)
  • Cleaning supplies
  • Clothes hangers
  • Desk lamp
  • First aid kit
  • Hair dryer
  • Laundry supplies: laundry bag and laundry detergent
  • Medications
  • Personal toiletries
  • Pillows
  • Power strip (UL approved)
  • Rainwear
  • Refrigerator (3.6 cubic feet, maximum)
  • Sewing kit
  • Shower shoes and bucket
  • Toiletries and soap dish
  • Towels
  • TV/DVD/Stereo
  • UL approved extension cord
  • Wall-safe hooks and tape (for hanging pictures & posters)
  • Wastebasket
  • X-Long twin-size sheets
  • Ladies: appropriate formal wear (blouse, skirt, slacks or dress)
  • Gentlemen: appropriate formal wear (shirt, tie & slacks)

If it seems inappropriate to wear, it probably is. Please dress appropriately to class and all other events.

  • Live pets (except fish)
  • Microwaves
  • Any cooking appliances (hot plates, grills, crock pots, toasters, etc.)
  • Halogen lamps
  • Candles and incense
  • Illegal items and contraband
  • Lighters or matches

Frequently Asked Questions

Students newly admitted to Coppin State University through the Summer Academic Success Academy- Bridge to Coppin track must attend as part of their Admissions process.

For newly admitted students that are not part of the Bridge to Coppin track, this program is not mandatory, however it is highly recommended for the student who wants to "Jump-Start" their collegiate career.

The deadline to submit your enrollment form and program fee is June 3, 2024.

All participants will move into their assigned room on Sunday, July 14th between 9am-12pm. All participants must move out on August 16th by 12pm.

Yes. The SASA program is a 5-week residential program. Living on campus is mandatory during the duration of the program. This policy is intended to help with your transition to college and increase community engagement during your first-year experience.

Students are not allowed to leave campus, or trips without the explicit consent of the program director.

No. Housing is only guaranteed during the duration of the SASA program (June 14, 2024- August 16, 2024). If you want to live on campus during the academic year, you must submit your application for housing through the Office of Housing by June 3, 2024. For more information about housing availability and rates for the 2024/2025 academic year, please visit the Office of Housing website.

The $300 fee includes the university enrollment fee and the SASA program fee.

Participation in the Summer Academic Success Academy has a value of more than $4000.00 for Maryland residents and $8,000 for out-of-state students.

The first 100 enrollees will be awarded the SASA summer grant which covers SASA tuition, housing, meals, and books. To qualify for the SASA grant, you must complete all steps listed in the Enrolling in SASA section. Grant recipients will be notified after the enrollment deadline, usually on the following Monday.

The $300 fee is non-refundable.

All required textbooks will be provided free of charge by Coppin State University during SASA. Students are responsible for purchasing additional supplies such as notebooks, writing instruments, etc.

Yes. Students who fail to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct or the Rules of the SASA program will be immediately dismissed. During SASA, students are not subject to the Judiciary process.

Students’ academic standing will be evaluated on a weekly basis. Those with unsatisfactory academic performance will be dismissed from the program.

Successful completion of the SASA program includes (but not limited to) earning a 2.5 or above GPA, completing assigned tasks within the program, and adhering to the code of conduct set by the program.

Yes. Grades in SASA will impact your cumulative GPA. SASA is a great way to start earning a high GPA.

No. Financial aid is not used during SASA.

No. This is a residential program which requires participants to remain on campus; therefore, students will not be able to work during this program.

Students are encouraged to be comfortable while learning. Please be mindful of the setting and dress appropriately while attending classes, workshops, trips, events, etc. Below are a few tips to help you dress successfully for the college setting.

  • Reserve lounge attire such as pajamas, bonnets, durags, slippers, etc. for the residence hall setting.
  • Do not wear clothing or accessories that contain offensive language, or images.
  • Refrain from wearing clothing that reveals visible undergarments.
  • Participate in Professional Wednesdays by wearing business casual attire.

Of course, this list does not cover all items. Please use your discretion when determining if your attire is appropriate for the college setting and outings. If your attire is deemed inappropriate by SASA staff, you will be asked to change clothes.


Questions or concerns should be forwarded to [email protected] or you may call (410) 951-3585.

Latoya Clark
Director of Mentoring and Summer Bridge


Can Help With
Our House Mentoring program
SASA program

Do you want to make a difference in the lives of our incoming first-year students?

If so, apply by clicking the link below to become a Peer Leader within the SASA program.
