Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards

Coppin State University is a community where people of diverse backgrounds and philosophy live in harmony, accept personal responsibility for their actions, and respect the rights of others. In order for this community to thrive, tenets of behavior must be strongly valued and clearly understood. To accomplish these goals, the University must require certain standards of behavior. The University standards of conduct do not replace or relieve the requirements of civil or criminal law.

Mon-Fri: 8:30 am - 5:00 pm
J. Millard Tawes Center, Lower Level
(410) 951-3934

The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards is responsible for adjudicating violations of the student code and grievances. Examples of student code violations include:

  • acts of dishonesty, including but not limited to cheating, plagiarism, or other forms of academic dishonesty
  • disruption or obstruction of teaching
  • unlawful verbal or physical abuse, threats, intimidation, harassment, coercion and/or other unlawful or unauthorized conduct which threatens or endangers the health or safety of any person
  • attempted or actual theft of and/or damage to property
  • failure to comply with directions of the University officials or law enforcement officers acting in performance of their duties
  • use, possession, or distribution of alcoholic beverages except as expressly permitted by law and University regulations, or public intoxication
  • use, possession, or distribution of narcotics or other controlled substances, or possession of drug paraphernalia except as expressly permitted by law

A student also has the right to file a grievance against a Coppin faculty or staff member. A grievance shall be defined as any cause of complaint arising between a student and Coppin faculty or staff member on a matter concerning an alleged act or acts of inappropriate, unlawful or unauthorized conduct by a faculty or staff member.

To report any behaviors of concern involving Coppin State University students, whether these behaviors occur inside or outside of the classroom setting, please complete the Student Concern/Incident Reporting Form.

Please refer to the Eagle Guide Student Handbook linked below which provides a detailed outline of the Community Standards policies and procedures regarding student code violations and grievances. You may also contact the Coordinator of Community Standards via email at [email protected] or by telephone at (410) 951-3929.

The Office of Student Conduct & Community Standards wishes all CSU students a healthy and successful academic year!

Eagle Guide Student Handbook
