
Blackboard Collaborate


Blackboard Collaborate provides blackboard announcements, course information, grades, due dates, and events held by campus organizations.

Download Blackboard Collaborate

  1. Visit iTunes or Google Play Store from your mobile device.

  2. Search for "Blackboard Collaborative" or "Coppin State University".

  3. When downloading the app, select 'Allow' if you want to allow Coppin to send important campus notifications in the future.

  4. Select Accept for the Notice and Consent.

  5. Enter your Blackboard Collaborate Session URL and your name.

Blackboard Collaborate Quick Overview

Click Here for Overview

How To Navigate Blackboard Collaborate as a Student

Click Here :  Learn how to navigate blackboard collaborate as a student

How to Join Sessions in Blackboard Collaborate

Visit the Blackboard Help website for:  How to Join Sessions in BLackboard Collaborate

Blackboard Collaborate Session Best Practices

Visit the Blackboard Help website for Session Best Practices.


The important features you need to foster collaborative online learning are organized neatly within the Collaborate with the Ultra experience user interface. This video was designed to give you a quick tour of all the important features and controls in the user interface.

Blackboard Collaborate with the Ultra Experience User Interface

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